From 8 to 10 of October the ACEB has presented the stand of Russia in International Fair of tourism "TTG Incontri"

ACEB association together with the Federal tourism agency of Russian Federation for the first time in 2015 created the integrated exhibition stand of Russia at the "TTG Incontri" International tourism exhibition that took place in Rimini from October 8 to October 10.

Veliky Novgorod, Vladimir and Suzdal cities, and Aeroflot Company represented Russia in the exhibition.

Representatives of ACEB Association conducted an active work at the exhibition: the manager of the Association Elena Mastropasqua worked as an interpreter; the board member Sergio Bedini carried out the coordination of the stand operation and introduced participants of russian stand to italian tour operators.

Within the exhibition, Representative of Federal Tourism Agency of Russian Federation in Italy Katerina Sankina presented the new federal program "Visit Russia. Time to travel in Russia".

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Ul. Lva Tolstogo 9 lit A, 19072 San Pietroburgo, Russia
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